Michele Comerford, Licensed massage therapist and Esthetician. 1999 Connecticut Center for Massage therapy Graduate and 2007 International School for Cosmotology graduate. Concentrating in advanced studies in Ashiatsu Oriental Body Therapy, Thai, chair, sports, pre-natal, accupressure and reflexology field.
Services also include facials and waxing. Every body is unique therefore different needs are required. Michele is able to intergrate a number of modalities to accomdate the session for you.
When asked, Michele made it clear she is very grateful to still be practicing what she truly feels is her passion in life. While focusing on her clients she has built a strong foundation of referred clients.
For a limited time, a punch card will be offered. After your 10th massage, you will recieve 25% off your next massage with Michele.
I truly believe there is no better investment than yourself. I look forward to working with you soon.
- Michele